November 2023 Cruising and Spending Stats

599 Miles Traveled
91 Sailing
508 Motoring

Another big month of motoring. When we planned our trip South, I didn't think we would be motoring quite this much. Due to weather conditions, we made the decision to push South in the ICW instead of waiting for a good window to jump outside. It is the dirty secret of cruising this coast this time of year is that the wind forecasts are very unpredictable. We are getting strong fronts about once per week, winds directly from the south, etc. We overall have generally only been able to sail (right wind direction) about one day per week this month, and the wind has been dying on us when we do try to sail.

23 Nights on Anchor
5 Nights at Marina
2 Nights at Mooring

After over two months being away from the dock, we got a slip in Titusville for 5 nights. The goal was to visit family, provision our pantry, get the boat ready for the next big jump to the Bahamas get off the boat to go to the Kennedy Space Center

29 kWh of Solar Generated

Our solar output was pretty bad here in November, with the bad weather we had a lot of cloudy days. We also motored

$4,746 Total Spent
$158.15 Average Per Day

We blew past our budget this month - no question about it... by about 3X. It was for good reason, and we hope to make up for it in the next few months. A lot of what we purchased either went into our pantry (about $1,000 of groceries for pantry only). Getting a slip and mooring was a big expense that saved us a lot of time, water and electric. Once again, we spent about $440 on fuel - way higher than what we had planned since we were planning to sail. Restaurants were another area we went over budget, meeting our friends in Carolina Beach caused us to go out to eat a few times, then again in Charleston. We went over budget in these areas, but we did want to experience the local food in these destinations. Finally, we spent a lot of money on boat upgrades getting the boat ready for the Bahamas: new lifelines, EPIRB, oil change, various spare parts, fishing gear... this is the last opportunity we have to get Amazon orders, parts, etc. so we're trying to take advantage before going to the Bahamas.
While we blew up the budget this month, this was at least somewhat intentional because we expect the next few months while in the Bahamas will be very low cost.

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